goldshine是张家港金辉铝箔有限公司旗下品牌。张家港金辉铝箔有限公司是一家国内领先专业生产铝箔企业,成立于2005年, 旗下还有2个子公司:苏州思麦得包装材料有限公司和江苏新辉铝箔科技有限公司,坐落于长江三角洲中的张家港市,现占地5300平方米;集生产,研发,销售铝箔及铝箔相关产品,优越的地理环境和便利的交通条件使金辉铝箔迅速走向国际市场,公司产品远销西班牙,美国,德国,英国,孟加拉,伊拉克,厄瓜多尔,尼日利亚,多米尼加,科威特,阿尔巴尼亚,智利,利比亚,以色列,牙买加,印度,突尼斯等世界70多个国家和地区,以优质的服务和高质量的产品在国际市场享有良好的声誉。公司主要经营产品:铝箔原材料,铝箔卷,铝箔餐盒,铝箔抽纸,硅油纸(烘焙纸),保鲜膜,铝箔餐盒机器,铝箔复卷机,包装机械,糊盒机等。Company introductionZhangjiagang Goldshine Aluminium Foil Co.,Ltd is an enterprise ahead in China ,established in 2005,it also has two subsidiaries:Suzhou SMD paper Co.,Ltd and Jiangsu Freshshine Aluminium Foil Technology Co.,Ltd,it is located in Zhangjiagang City ,Yangtze River delta,covers a floor of 5300 square meters; producing ,inventing and saling aluminium and relative products,superior location and convenient transportation makes Goldshine move to the internation market very fast,we have clients in Spain,United states of America ,Germany,Unit of Kingdom, Bangladesh, Iraq, Ecuador, Nigeria, Dominican, Kuwait, Albania, Chile, Libya, Israel, Jamaica,India, Tunisia and more than 70 countries and regions ,has a good reputation with good service and high quality product in the market.Main products:Aluminium raw material ,aluminium foil roll ,aluminium foil container,aluminium foil pop-up sheet,baking paper,cling film,aluminium foil container making machine line ,aluminium foil rewinding machine line ,packing machine and pasting box machine line.