立信税务事务所是立信税务师事务所有限公司旗下品牌。BDO International is an international accounting, tax and advisory firms which perform professional services under the name of BDO. As of 2017, BDO has member firms in 160 countries, employs around 74,000 partners and staff in over 1,400 offices throughout the world, and is the fifth largest accounting and Tax network globally. Global Fee income of all BDO Member Firms for the year ended 30 September 2016 totaledUS$7.60 billion.BDO China was founded by Dr. ShuLun Pan, pioneer of China’s Accounting profession, in Shanghai in 1927. Now we have more than 13,000 staff in mainland China(立信) and Hong Kong, the annual income of BDO China(立信) is more than 5Billion RMB, and BDO China Ranked No.3 in China Tax and Accounting industry in Y2017.