一拙是北京一拙文化传播有限公司旗下品牌。一拙Y I J O位于五道营胡同,是一个结合茶和设计产品的复合空间,被多家媒体评为“京城必去的中式下午茶”。
Yijo, located in Wudaoying Hutong, is a space for both savoring tea and designing artifacts and has been recognized as a “must-to-go Chinese afternoon teahouse” by several media platforms.
Associated with a freewheeling attitude in Chinese, Yijo (or Yizhuo in Chinese) aspires to build a teahouse for modern people who want to “savor good tea in a cozy and pacifying atmosphere” and advocates a go-as-you-please lifestyle that transcends the current trend.
Yijo succeeds in finding a creative way to satisfy its customers by offering seasonal tea with distinctive flavors, such as Champagne Oolong in summer and randy Black Tea in winter, which have enjoyed great popularity and adoration among customers. In addition to that, Yijo selects the best local tea from various areas and couples every type of tea with tea wares made by different designers and Chinese pastries. Customers will be able to feel the change of seasons in the arrangements of Yijo’s tea.
The tea wares used by Yijo, designed by eighteen exceptional Chinese designers, are open to purchase for either personal use or presents.
No.84 Wudaoying Hutong, Dongcheng district
Opening hours: 1pm-9pm daily