公司虽小,但我们关注每一个孩子的成长,为他们量身定制课程,课程的形式为小班课制,分为:1-1,1-2,1-3 或最多每个班不超过8个人,我们为学生提供高质量课程。
Education is a new opening education & training school, whose main business
has three parts, 1st: we are providing the English & other
subjects relating English training courses for the students between grade 1 to
grade 12; 2nd: We are also providing boundary & communication intimate
relationship workshops for adults to improve their social & family
relationships; 3rd: We train the students to do college-level work
and prepare them to enter top high school or U.S. universities.
We are
small. We care about each student individually, we are doing 1-1, 1-2, 1-3
& more (max 8 students in one class) small classes for students, and we
would like to provide the top quality classes for them.