未然海皮业是广州未然海皮业有限公司旗下品牌。 广州未然海皮业有限公司位于中国最大鞋材市场广州站西路鞋材市场,主要产品是羊绒、混种羊适用于鞋面、箱包、手袋,手套。在香港及东南亚多地有分公司,从事皮革、皮革制品生产加工、贸易、检测10多年,拥有绵羊皮和山羊皮两条生产线,拥有法国、意大利、德国引进先进的制革是被30余台套。并且同中国皮革研究院合作成立了独立公司业务以外的第三方技术检测中心我们生产大量和高质量的皮革。我们喜欢从事国际自由进出口贸易,业务覆盖全球。提供皮革研究和开发设计,专业的测试服务。我们跟随华坚鞋业集团,响应国家一带一路战略于非洲埃塞俄比亚建立制革厂,增加当地就业工作机会,给当地的员工培训,为客户提供更多的合格和有竞争力的产品。在某种程度上促进非洲制造业发展。
GuangZhou Future Sea Leather Co,Ltd is located in the largest shoes & Leathers market in Guangzhou Station WestRoad YueXiu,GuangZhou,China,we have branches in HongKong and most of SoutheastAsia.Engaged in leathers,production and processing,trade,and detection for morethan 10 years.we,possessing two production lines of hair sheep and goat suedeand more than 30 sets advanced tanning equipment introduced from France,Italyand Germany,took a stake in a leather factory in Ethiopia in 2012.Besides,weset up an independent company business outside of the third party testingtechnology center with China Leather & Footwear Industry ResearchInstitute.We manufacture leather for a large quantity and high quality.We’dlike to engage international and free export tariff,Our business covers globaltrade.Main products Kid suede and hair sheep,suitable for shoes,bags,handbagsand gloves.Research,development design and professional testing services andprovided.Following the Huajian com.,Ltd ,we response to strategies of B & R(the Belt and Road)establishing tannery,which provides more qualified andcompetitive produces,training and care for staff,as well as increases theemployment rate in Africa Ethiopia.