杭州硕康科技有限公司是杭州硕康科技有限公司旗下品牌。专业出口光电网络通讯产品,和有线电视网络数字设备。公司有专业技术团队,可以提供技术培训,网络配置,设计服务,根据客人的网络图纸配置不同的网络产品方案,对客人提供昂更好的技术支持,和售后服务。公司网站:www.catvscope.com & www.catvscope.com.cnspecialized in fiber optic communication product provider. Our products range from the basic components to end products, including passive and active categories.we are an experienced and trusted provider of FTTH optical cables and all kind of accessories needed for the network construction, we also provide Ethernet and CATV equipment.
Values:Creative,Active,Reliable and Responsible
MISSION:Become a leader of optical communication in global CATV industry
valuess:cretive,active,Reliable and pesponsible
Aim:CstvScope‘s technology and service spread to 200 countries around the world