岳翰贸易是岳翰(上海)贸易有限公司旗下品牌。 岳翰(上海)贸易有限公司成立于2010年,是一个由瑞典人经营并管理的贸易公司,经营宗旨是帮助国外品牌在中国境内的推广销售,为其提供从进口到售后服务等全方位的支持,目前主要涉及到B2B和网上零售。公司客户的业务范围包括服装服饰,童装及儿童用品等。
公司一贯致力于为员工打造一个轻松,开放,平等的工作环境,充分相信员工的能力和自主性,不断增强员工的主人翁责任感。 公司办公地点位于静安区南京西路地铁站附近。敞开式办公环境, 人性化的北欧氛围吸引了来自世界多个国家的地区的员工。
YueHan is a trading company, with Swedish owners and management, supporting non-Chinese brands to sell in China, to retail B2B customers and online. We offer a complete range of services from import to customer service and our clients’ products are consumer products within fashion, apparel, kids and baby wear.
YueHan is now expanding its online business and need to employ two persons to the customer service team.
The company was established in 2010. Our office and your working location is in Jingan area, Shanghai, close to Nanjing West Road metro stop. Various nationalities work in YueHan’s open office landscape with Scandinavian atmosphere.
We work very hard in an environment that is flexible, open, little hierarchy and we believe in our employee’s capability in taking responsibility.