集团董事会由前英国驻沪总领事Sue Bishop、英国国家智库执行董事SianHansen、哈佛大学前高级招生官Chuck Hughes先生等海外资深人士组成。海外专家团由资深前招生官组成,来自哈佛、普林斯顿、麻省理工学院、斯坦福、芝加哥、布朗、杜克、宾大等一流大学,与益博国际上海团队一起为有海外升学需求的家庭提供专业的咨询及规划,并结合名校精英课程及软实力工作坊,帮助学生做好个性化的精准定位和充分的升学准备。
EBF International is the nation’s leading provider of college planning and application services. With experienced former admission officers from Ivy League schools, EBF team assist families with their overseas education plans from boarding school to graduate school, with an expertise and proven track record in college planning.
It is an exciting time to work in international counseling. The interest from Chinese families in pursuing an overseas education continues to rise. While colleges and universities from the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand and others have stepped up their efforts to attract China’s best students to their campuses for a myriad of reasons.
Unlike any other educational organization in China, at EBF we think beyond the letter of admission. We prepare students a life-long lesson and help them develop the skills and aptitudes needed to truly succeed in their life abroad and compete in the 21st century global marketplace.