我们是一家充满活力和极具发展前景的著名法国餐饮集团,坐落于上海交通便利的中心地段。 2007年我们第一家知名法国餐馆Franck Bistrot在上海开业(由San Pellegrino 颁发的亚洲50强餐厅之一的荣誉称号), 随之快速发展成立了一家法式酒吧Le Petit Franck以及未来更多的新项目正在筹划中......
We are part of a famous dynamic and expending French owned catering group, located in the heart of Shanghai with convenient public transportation access. Our adventure started in 2007 in Shanghai with a famous French Bistrot (part of the Asia’s 50 best restaurant by San Pellegrino ) called Franck Bistrot and since has quickly grown. and more new projects in the future in the works……
As part of our development, we are always looking for new talents to join us.