一、 本公司是一家主营出口业务的电子商务外贸公司。 公司业务范围覆盖全球,重点耕耘日本、欧洲、美国等国际市场,公司在亚马逊、速卖通等跨境电商平台精耕细作;经营产品涵盖电子及周边产品、照明类、家居类、beauty等。公司从成立之初一直保持着稳定飞速的发展势头。
二、 企业文化 快乐工作,一起拼搏的大家庭 我们拥有一支年轻且充满生命力的队伍,处处尽显青春与活力,我们尊重小伙伴的个性思维,竭尽所能支持小伙伴创新,成长,关注小伙伴的职业发展。努力为大家打造最佳的办公场所、让大家能够在物质上有所收获,能力和精神上获得成长。给小伙伴打造积极向上温暖的工作环境的同时,让员工找到归属感,帮助大家在生活和物质方面都有一定的提高。
Shenzhen Yuweixiang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (Longgang Company)
1. The company's main business The company is an e-commerce foreign trade company whose main business is export. The company's business scope covers the world, focusing on international markets such as Japan, Europe, and the United States. The company is intensively working on cross-border e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and AliExpress; its products cover electronics and peripheral products, lighting, home furnishing, beauty, etc. The company has maintained a steady and rapid development momentum since its inception.
2. Corporate culture. Happy work and a big family working together. We have a young and full of vitality team, full of youth and vitality, we respect the individual thinking of our partners, and do our best to support our partners in innovation, growth, and attention. The career development of the partner. Strive to create the best office space for everyone, so that everyone can gain materially, and grow in ability and spirit. While creating a positive and warm working environment for small partners, it also allows employees to find a sense of belonging and helps everyone improve their lives and materials.
Welcome to join our big family, where we all work together to create a better tomorrow for everyone.