馨昇企划是上海馨昇文化传播有限公司旗下品牌。我司上海馨昇文化传播有限公司坐落于上海市黄浦区,是一家以婚庆策划服务为主导,活动策划服务为辅,集创意、设计、 租赁为一体的策划公司,旗下设有策划部,设计部,市场部,现场部,后期部等部门,能为客户提供经济、便捷,个性 的活动策划方案。自2012年成立,已承接婚礼、活动、企业年会等近千场,创新打造了一个“Every Big Day,Always ThinkUs”的全站式服务。2017年,馨昇(加拿大)成立,在异国他乡继续为诸多海外华人提供优质服务。
Shanghai ThinkUs Culture Community Co.,Ltd. is located in Huang Pu District,Shanghai. ThinkUs mainly operates wedding and event planning, with creativity and design. We have planning department, design department, marketing department, operations department, and client relationship department, etc. We can provide our clients with economical and customized planning solutions. ThinkUs pays exquisite attention to wedding details from preparation to the celebration day and beyond. Started from 2012, we have created dream weddings and events for over thousands of clients. In 2017 we have expanded our services abroad to Canada, and will continue to help newlyweds abroad to create their dream weddings.