WI易境商科技是易境商(深圳)科技有限公司旗下品牌。 易境商(WebInterpret)是全球领先的跨境电商本地化解决方案供应商,协助电商突破语言文化障碍,全自动创建及管理新语种站点,将销售网络延伸到世界每一个角落。易境商首创的ATS跨文化管理系统,与eBay,Amazon等热门销售平台无缝连接,一键实现智能抓取、翻译、本土化、刊登与同步管理。自2007年于欧洲创办以来,易境商一直秉承着推动无障碍跨境电商的理念,以独有的核心技术与卓越的客户服务,帮助数以万计的卖家建立多语种站点,打开国际蓝海市场,以本地化带动贸易全球化。
WebInterpret is a leading provider of global e-commerce solutions. Through its unique Internationalisation platform the company enables domestic online traders to become international online traders in just a few clicks. Since 2007 the company has been breaking down the barriers of worldwide retail for e-merchants, making their international sales grow. Our goal is to fully democratise worldwide commerce while delivering outstanding customer service. WebInterpret has already helped thousands of online sellers expand their markets on a global scale through the translisting, localization and synchronization functions in our service. Our services are intended for eBay, Amazon and webstore sellers.