HATCH Architects 汉齐建筑,一家国际化创意驱动的建筑+室内设计事务所,全球总部在英国伦敦,亚太区总部在中国上海。汉齐建筑为办公、教育、文旅及商业领域提供规划设计、建筑设计及室内设计等服务。其核心价值是通过国际一流水准的设计解决跟颜值和体验有关的建筑和空间的诉求。
HATCH Architects is an innovation-driven architecture + interior design company with global headquarters in London, UK and asia-pacific headquarters in Shanghai, China.
HATCH Architecture provides planning, architectural design and interior design services for office, education, cultural, tourism and business sectors. Its core value is to solve the appeal of architecture and space related to appearance level and experience through world-class design.
使命 Mission
In the context of globalization, designwith imagination and creativity empowers work and life and improves the quality of human time and life.
价值观 Value
HATCH Architects 汉齐建筑坚信建筑的灵魂是空间,空间的灵魂是体验,体验的灵魂是时间,时间的灵魂是自由。
HATCH Architects firmly believes that the soul of architecture is space, the soul of space is experience, the soul of experience is time, and the soul of time is freedom.
Design must reflect the government's macro decision, market demand and customer will perfect combination, need toachieve a high degree of unity of function, form, cost, cycle, operation and maintenance.
微信公众号 WeChat Account:HatchGroup