KKC, is a leading provider of design and production of household products for 36 countries. We are committed to bring high-quality household products to everyone, families and organizations, and build a high-end life world of daily household products.
我们在产品设计研发生产全方面领域为客户提供有竞争力、安全可信赖的产 品、解决方案与服务,与生态伙伴开放合作,持续为客户创造价值,释放个人 潜能,丰富家庭生活,激发产品创新。
We provide competitive, safe and reliable products, solutions and services in all as- pects of product design, development and production to our customers. Open coopera- tion with ecological partners, continue to create value for customers, release individ- ual potential, enrich family life, inspire products innovation.
卓悦家居坚持围绕客户需求持续创新,加大基础研发投入,厚积薄发,推动 品质生活建设。
KKC insists on continuous innovation based on customer needs, increase investment in basic research and development, accumulated strength and rise abruptly, promote the construction of quality living.
卓悦家居成立于2006年。主要产品出又至欧洲、美洲、日本、韩国等地,卓 悦公司17年在德国设有子公司与建设了1500平方的仓库。18年在美国设有分公
KKC was set up in 2006, mainly products are exported to Europe, America, Japan, Korea and so on. Established subsidiary corporation in Germany with 1500m2 warehouse in 2017. Set up branch company and shared a warehouse with local customers in 2018.
公司通过CNAS中国合格评定国家认可委员会认证和BSCI认证、拥有多项专 利认证,近年公司成立专业团队从事亚马逊,速卖通等等跨境电商平台运营, 在美国站,欧洲站,加拿大站,日本站等,多个销售网点同时开通取得了非常 大的效果。打造在欧洲,美国,日本等地区的kkc品牌。