中建净化设备是苏州中建净化设备有限公司旗下品牌。 苏州中建净化设备有限公司成立于2009年,专业为客户提供洁净方案,设计、生产、安装各类专业的净化设备、空气过滤器、各种新风系统、空气净化器等,且建造了十级及百级集微电子、光电、汽车、医药等行业的样板洁净室、五百多平方的大型多功能展厅及风洞实验室、消音室等多个配套的FFU综合检测实验室。随后公司将FFU工业空气净化技术进行革新研发,在国内首先制造出FFU家用净化器及新风机等一系列产品,并取得相关专利和商标使用权。
本公司推出的Fiche品牌非医用舒适型KN95防护口罩深受国内外客户的认可,其核心纳米材料: 透气性更好,纳米阻力小,呼吸更通畅;防水、防油保质期可达5年;熔喷布是静电吸附,静电电荷消失,口罩阻隔率会下降,纳米材料是物理拦截,因此不存在效率下降问题。
Suzhou Zhong Jian Clean Equipment Co., Ltd, established in 2009, specializes in providing clean resolutions for different customers: design, produce & install different professional clean equipment, air filters, different primary air systems, air cleaners, etc. It builds clean rooms of different industries, such as micro-electronics, photoelectricity, automobiles, medicine, large multi-function showrooms of over 500 square meters, and several matched FFU comprehensive testing laboratories of wind tunnel laboratory, anechoic chambers and so on. It makes a series of products, such as FFU household purifiers, fresh air ventilators firstly in domestic and gets relevant patents and trademarks, based on the innovation, research and development of FFU industrial air purification technology.