音墙网络是音墙网络科技(上海)有限公司旗下品牌。About SonicWall
Over a 25 year history, SonicWall has been the industry’s trusted security partner. From network security to access security to email security, SonicWall has continuously evolved its product portfolio, enabling organizations to innovate, accelerate and grow. With over a million security devices in almost 200 countries and territories worldwide, SonicWall customers can confidently say yes to the future.
Originally founded in 1991.
SonicWall 安全解决方案是分布式企业、政府、教育机构、零售商、医疗保健机构和金融机构部署的首选。SonicWall产品凭借易于使用、高效率和高性能的设备和服务,已受到Network World、InfoWorld、PC Magazine和SC Magazine等业界出版物的广泛好评。2016年,SonicWall 连续第四年在最新版的NSS实验室下一代防火墙安全价值图中获得最高评级“推荐”,而且被评为安全效率方面的顶级产品之一。
SonicWall -您在网络安全领域的合作伙伴。