Stefanini是斯帝芬尼信息科技(吉林)有限公司旗下品牌。Stefanini is a global IT service provider, listed as one of the top 100 outsourcing companies in the world by IAOP. Stefanini has over 24000 employees in 40 countries across Latin America, North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Stefanini provides onshore and nearshore IT consulting, systems integration and Outsourcing to Fortune 500 enterprises as well as large and medium sized companies across the world. These clients include businesses in pharmaceutical, telecommunications, construction, oil and gas, logistics, consumer goods, manufacturing, travel, transportation, automotive, power/utilities, financial, technology and other industries.
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Stefanini (斯帝芬尼)是一家专业致力于IT服务外包的跨国公司,在全球40个国家,75个城市,拥有24000多名员工,业务范围跨越拉丁美洲,北美洲,欧洲,非洲和亚洲国家,是全球服务外包100强企业。Stefanini (斯帝芬尼) 公司全球总部位于巴西圣保罗,北美及亚太区总部位于美国底特律,欧洲/中东/非洲总部位于比利时布鲁塞尔。公司成立于1987年,Stefanini (斯帝芬尼) 为世界500强企业及世界各地的大中型企业提供在岸、近岸和离岸IT支持与咨询,系统集成及外包等服务。其客户包括制药,电信,建筑,石油和天然气,物流,消费品,制造业,旅游,交通,汽车,电力/公用事业,金融,科技等各行业的企业。