一洋安全设备是深圳市一洋安全设备有限公司旗下品牌。深圳市一洋安全設備有限公司(一洋集團)成立於 1992 年,是一家 專業、專心、專注」的進口公司。總部位於中國深圳市,在美國加利福尼亞州和中國香港擁有兩家全資子公司;
Founded in 1992, Oceans Safety Equipment Co., Ltd. (Oceans Group) specializes in importing business based on professionalism, dedication and concentration. Headquartered in Shenzhen, China, it owns two full subsidiaries in California, US and Hong Kong, China.
公司主要有兩大業務板塊:There are two main business sectors:
Firefighting Sector: Firefighting trucks, Firefighters’ individual protective equipment and Fire rescuing products;
l 應急板塊:反恐、防爆產品;
Emergency Sector: Anti-terrorism, Anti-explosion products.
公司將俄羅斯、日本、意大利、美國、德國、韓國的相應高端產品引向中國12個 省份,得到客戶的一致認可。
We have introduced corresponding high-end products to China's 12 provinces, from Russia, Japan, Italy, US, German and South Korea and got the customer's unanimous approval.
Oceans Group will, as always, face the world, serve China, and introduce High-grade, Precision and Advanced Products to China.