卢森康卓是卢森康卓汽车技术咨询(上海)有限公司旗下品牌。Luxcontrol is an independent Luxembourg based group offering customised services in organisational and technical risk management in the fields of Quality, Health & Safety and Environment (QHSE).
Since 1985 Luxcontrol also provides automotive homologation services and assists the automobile industry worldwide in accessing new markets.
Named as technical service by the national authority and notified to the United Nation Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva and to the European Commission in Brussels, Luxcontrol provides vehicle type approval according to UN regulations and EU directives/regulations.
Established since 2008 in Shanghai , the Luxcontrol Chinese branch deals with every type approval for component and vehicle manufacturers of the Asian continent.
Affiliated to the homologation department of the Luxcontrol group headquarter in Luxembourg, and acting as Technical Service on behalf of the Luxemburg Ministry of Mobility and Pubic Works, the team of multilingual engineers of the branch office ensures a permanent local presence in order to offer a fast, flexible and adapted service to its customers in China.
Luxcontrol is located in Europe (Luxembourg), in the United States (Detroit), in China (Shanghai, Tianjin), in Turkey (Istanbul) and in Japan (Tokyo).