上海史丹利管理是史丹利(上海)管理有限公司旗下品牌。加入 Stanley Black&Decker (SBD) 团队意味着加入一家大规模、高增长和具有活力的公司。作为一家全球性的企业,我们是出色的工具及存储和工程紧固系统供应商,我们已被全球公认为是具创新性、可持续性和回报性的公司之一。
Joining the Stanley Black & Decker (SBD) team means joining a large, high growth and dynamic company. As a global enterprise, we are an excellent supplier of tools, storage and engineering fastening systems. We have been recognized as one of the innovative, sustainable and rewarding companies all over the world.