在弟齐,你可以天马星空,但不能眼高手低; 在弟齐,你可以任性,但必须爱公司爱团队爱小伙伴; 在弟齐,你可以不完美不周全,但必须有想法有激情……
如果你是一个有能力有思想有理想有干劲的四有好青年; 那么,加入我们,成为我们的小伙伴!
Bagevent is a global leading event management SaaS cloud platform which provides services regarding to the events online preparation, conference promotion, registration management, ticketing, events onsite checkin, event statistic management and etc. We currently provide the deeply services for ABB, SIEMENS, KubeCon, Unity, OSChina and etc.