万邦是浙江万邦浆纸集团有限公司旗下品牌。 浙江万邦浆纸集团有限公司成立于1994年8月,目前公司注册资本为10000万元。公司现为国内经营纸浆、纸张的大型专业性公司之一,在业内享有较高的知名度和美誉度。公司在近几年中,锐意进取,矢志创新,规模迅速扩张,在行业中树立了“万邦”的企业形象,赢得了广泛的声誉。
Zhejiang Welbon Pulp and Paper Group Corp. was established in August, 1994 with a registered capital of 100 million RMB. As one of the biggest professional pulp distribution companies in China, Welbon not only imports pulp from all major pulp producing countries like Canada, US, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, Scandinavia, Russia, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand and ect…. It has become the regional sales agent for some local made pulp like “golden phoenix” of Guangxi Naning Phoenix Pulp Co., Ltd. , “Wuyi”brand bamboo pulp from ; “Bailu” pulp of China Paper; “Bolang” from Xinjiang Bohu Reed Co., Ltd.; “Luhua” brand Reed pulp of Jiangsu Zhenjiang Gold River Paper Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Welbon Pulp & Paper Group is an integrated group of companies with its business scope covering specialty paper manufacturing, paper export as well as pulp import and distribution. With a total registered capital of RMB230 million, the group consists of four paper mills that are namely Zhejiang Winbon Specialty Paper Co., Ltd., Anhui Winbon Specialty Paper Co., Ltd., Anhui Winbon Gaosen Paper Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Anqing Winbon Specialty Paper Co., Ltd.