鼎世是杭州鼎世贸易有限公司旗下品牌。Paradox is a Chinese/French group established in China since 1999, employees currently ~700 people, based in Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. It is the leading importer/distributor of wine and food on the Chinese retail market, mostly focused on big hypermarket chains (Walmar, Sam’s, Carrefour, RT mart etc). You can find their product in ~3000 supermarket in China. The group is also running a chain a French restaurants and wine bars and has gone through a strong digital development in the past few years. PARADOX杭州鼎世贸易有限公司是一个于1999年法国人创建和管理的公司,员工700 人左右, 主要办公地址在杭州,上海, 北京和广州。 公司致力于在中国市场上销售进口酒类和食品, 在大型商超业(沃尔玛,山姆店,家乐福,大润发等等)占领头份额, 产品在中国覆盖了3000个门店。公司同时在经营一个法式餐厅和红酒系列, 公司最近也在大力发展线上, 包括京东,山姆线上和公司自身的公众号和微店。