高大师啤酒是南京高大师啤酒有限公司旗下品牌。南京高大师啤酒有限公司始源于2008年,拥有啤酒品牌“高大师”(Master Gao),是中国第一家精酿啤酒酿造企业,也是中国精酿啤酒运动的主力倡导者,实践者与推动者。2011年,公司创始人高岩出版了第一本中文精酿啤酒书籍《喝自己酿的啤酒》。2013 年公司上市了中国第一款瓶装精酿啤酒——“婴儿肥 IPA”。《华尔街日报》《福布斯》《商业周刊》《华盛顿邮报》《中国日报》《波士顿环球报》等国际媒体均报道过公司事迹。过去的9年,公司创办了"大师杯”大奖赛,一年一度的“中国精酿啤酒节”等多项大型活动。公司拥有婴儿肥,猛丁,英水帝江,月食等多个啤酒品牌,产品销往全国各地。
Master Gao Brewing Co. of Nanjing was originated in 2008. Today, it is a practicer, advocator and pusher of China’s craft beer movement. Its motto“Brewing Freedom” has become the ideological pursuit of the entire industry. Since 2012, the company has developed Chinese element integrated products such as Baby IPA, Jasmine T Lager, Heroic Water and Imperial River,Holy Devil, and among which, the bottled versions of Baby IPA has re-ceived nationwide applauses. The company’s stories have been reported by global media with positive recogni-tions.
In recent years, Master GAO Brewing Company once again increased its pre-package product lines, introduced Jasmine T lager and Mad Ting, taking China brewed craft beer into standardized and mass production and marketing.
In 2016, the company has started to construct draft beer distribution networks.