SR圣伦斯青少儿美语专注3-12岁少儿高端线上线下相结合(O2O模式)的英语培训机构。 SR课程由ALO-7全球英语语言学习专家特别为中国的孩子研发,超过95%的学员家长体会到孩子英语语感的提升。SR圣伦斯青少儿美语致力于让孩子们能够通过流利的英语, 跨越国家与文化的界限进行交流。在SR圣伦斯青少儿美语,我们提供系统高效的学习体验,结合融入式内容、创新技术和引人入胜的课堂体验,让孩子们用英语主 动而自信地与世界沟通!
SR English which combination of online and offline methods curriculum provides a systematic way for 3 to 12 year old learners to learn English. SR English curriculum was researched and developed by ALO-7 global English language experts especially for Chinese children. It’s no wonder that over 95% of SR English parents feel that their child now has even greater enthusiasm for learning English.SR English enables children to communicate confidently in English across geographical and cultural boundaries. At SR English, learners develop language skills through a systematic learning experience that combines immersive content, innovative technology and an engaging classroom experience. Our learners pro-actively use English to communicate to the world with confidence!