上海瑞欧广告有限公司是上海瑞欧广告有限公司旗下品牌。in the field of events production, we are expertised in creative design and and experienced in details. we also provide regular training for our staffs to help them catch up with the leading trends in the fashion industry. for better service, we have engaged in partnership with strategic alliances with world class creative partner companies worldwide to extend our professional business scope across the world.
在活动创意及执行部分, 我们长于创意策划, 更熟谙现场控制之道。我们为员工定期提供培训, 以帮助他们随时掌握全球时尚工业的最新潮流,与世界最先进的时尚元素同步。近年来, 我们更逐步与世界一流的创意公司结成战略合作伙伴,在全球范围内扩展我们的事业,旨在为客户提供更体贴的服务。
in the field of media coordination, we have a team of qualified, highly-motivated individuals at various levels with a background in journalism, media and consulting. customized creative strategic planning is our key to success.
媒体关系方面,我们有一支素质及执行力俱佳的团队,诸多成员均曾任职于国内外一流媒体,不仅有着良好稳定的媒体关系, 更以整体创意策略及文案取胜。
we strive for excellence to create the perfect visual performance and the accurate culture insight. we put the client as our first priority which makes us beyond common, thus our outstanding services are designed to meet the specific objectives and expectations of every forthcoming event through planning, organizing and managing, thereby saving time, money and effort.
所有努力, 只为向客户提供最优秀的创意。我们坚信,客户至上的原则,让瑞欧在业界诸多品牌中脱颖而出。每一个项目,皆经精心策划、组织和管理,针对客户的独特目标和要求提供独一无二的贴身策划和设计,为客户节约时间,人力及物力。
it’s refresh, extraordinary, open. it’s reo.
活力, 独特,开放. 这就是瑞欧。
welcome to join us!