邑尚(北京)文化传播是邑尚(北京)文化传播有限公司旗下品牌。邑尚为电视电影后期声音制作公司。设有三间录音室,两间全功能混音棚,能满足各种不同影视作品的录音与后期混音工作。从立体声 2.0 到杜比 5.1,甚至杜比 7.1,都能达到令客户满意的品质效 果。 E-SOUND 创立人刘俊宏先生从事电视电影音频后期制作工作 20 余年,经手作品不计其数,遍 及各种媒体类别,可谓专业录音的品质保证。
E-SOUND is a post-production services company for lm and television. Our facility operates three separate recording rooms and two control rooms, designed to cater to the specific needs of our clients. We provide high quality recording and mixing services for a variety of lm and television productions in various formats, including Stereo 2.0, Dolby Digital 5.1 and even Dolby Digital 7.1.
Miller LIU, the founder of E-SOUND, has over 20 years of experience in the audio engineering industry, having participated in countless media projects, ensuring top-notch, professional quality of every production.