公司的主要产品是DSG-DQ200七速双离合变速器产品,适用于大众、奥迪和斯柯达品牌等各种流行的国内车型。自2007年底奠基典礼以来,工厂不断发展壮大。 2019年11月25日,我们的员工自豪地庆祝了第七百万台变速器的下线。大众汽车自动变速器(大连)有限公司基于最高生态标准,确认建立、经营和管理目标,并且积极参与与全球大众可持续发展计划:“ Go to Zero —Zero Impact Factory”项目。
Volkswagen Automatic Transmission (Dalian) Co., Ltd. (VWATD) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group in China. Our products are geared at various popular domestic car models of the Volkswagen, Audi and Škoda brands. Since the groundbreaking ceremony at the end of 2007, the plant has grown very strong. On 25th November 2019, our staff proudly celebrated the 7 millionth transmissions. In line with the comprehensive global Volkswagen sustainability program “Go to Zero—Zero Impact Factory”, VWATD is built upon, operated and managed by the highest ecological standards.