Three steps to getting hired by tech companies

求职必读    Janice · 2021-03-04

Imagine this: You land your dream job with a big tech company. It’s everything you ever wanted -- stable work, generous benefits and great pay in an interesting field. According to BOSS Zhipin’s 2020 Job Market Trends Report, nearly 30 percent of Chinese students who study abroad want to work in tech after graduation. The big question is -- how to make that dream a reality? Here are some tips!

Number One: Plan ahead of time

Recruitment season is typically in September and October, but in recent years, tech companies have been getting ahead of schedule. Be sure to apply online as soon as possible. Don't wait until the last minute!

Number two: Have a well-written resume

Remember to put your phone number, email and a photo on your resume! Also, you should highlight your internship and project experience. Companies want to see that you excelled in school AND have hands-on work experience.

Number three: Use the BOSS Zhipin app to find your next dream job

BOSS Zhipin is a mobile app that allows job seekers to chat with recruiters directly online. Launched in 2014, the app has already served more than 50 million users across 109 countries and regions. There are plenty of high paying job opportunities in tech for Chinese international students. Register on the app as a student with an overseas degree, and stand out to employers. 

To get started, scan our QR code or search BOSSZhipin in the app store and download BOSS zhipin’s app. Your next dream job is looking for you!


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